Sarah, 2021, Total Duration (08:54min)
Born in India and moving to the U.K as a young child and then being shipped back to India as an adolescent created a deep identity crisis within me. I never felt like I belonged in the uk or within the Indian diaspora because I wasn't born there but I didn't feel Luke I belonged in India either because I wasn't raised there. As a result, I am not easily accepted by South Asian communities so I find myself in mostly white social circles. This means me downplaying my "browness" to fit in. In this piece, I perform my own identity and the work that goes behind every minute interaction.
Infrathin, 2022, Total Duration(06:32min)
In this multi channel piece (4 audio channels + live performance), I analyse historical narratives and assimilation culture relative to my own families experience. However, the competing audios make it hard to work through some of these narratives that are more often that not marginalized and find themselves in the space of the liminal. The Infrathin resides in the singularity of the experience, that cannot be generalized here and now. It positions itself between the event and the account of its retelling that will never quitebe captured.
Kin and Belonging, 2021, Total Duration (12:05min)
While working on these more surface level issues of brownness, I started questioning deeper issues and turning my gaze inwards and acknowledging my own body as a site of resistance. In this piece, I look at inherited trauma through epigenetics as physical manifestations in my body. My fellow performers act out a set of instructions given to them by a robot and find themselves holding deeply painful poses.
Marginalized olympics, 2020, Total Duration (13:12min)
This piece addresses the burden placed by society on People of Color to always take on the role of an expert whenever a conversation comes up about race. I use this piece to play into this trope and inverse traditional power settings we find in institutions/ academic settings by actually having a meaningful conversation about the abuse of privilege and always passing on the baton to marganalised groups.